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Broken Facade


Acrylic on Canvas



My piece, Broken Facade, alludes to the theoretical lens of feminism, female power and/or the lack thereof, and inequality of the sexes in political, social, and economical demographics. Broken Facade depicts the everyday struggle women face in society with our identities; we are always being pushed to put on this facade that we are strong, independent, powerful, and feminist figures who can be just as good as men. We are always unconsciously separating ourselves from the past, where women were only thought to be good as house-wives that tend to the household and mother the children while their husbands are away, busy at work. I chose to include symbolism of a girl breaking away from the facade/mask that society forces her to wear. There is fear in her eyes and she is in complete and utter shock; she is losing the very thing that protects her from the pressures of society; she is drowning from the weight of it all, yet she is perhaps relieved. I deliberately chose to make the mask representative of a 1950’s pin-up girl; she's proper, elegant, chic, her hair and makeup are always perfect…she is perfect. We as women are always pressured to be perfect, and if women are not perfect on camera, the media will slam them at any chance they get. Women need to be empowered. Women need to stand up for women. We as women need to break away from the facade. We demand change.

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